Simple Tutorial to Web3

Web3 is growing rapidly and it is not slowing down it. It's not a new technology, but it is now the time it's gaining traction with the large numbers. It's the next major trend on the web. Opportunities for employment in the field of web3 are increasing day by day. There is a high demand for blockchain developers, Web3 developers, and other related jobs in web3. There are many job and opportunities in web3 and it will rise in the future. What is Web3

For a beginner starting in the world of web3 development, it can be hard to comprehend specific terms and concepts. Before, Web1 was mostly end-user-oriented. It was for consuming the data.

Web2 began with the advent of social media which allows users to create content on the internet. This leads to the popularity of the creator of content on the internet and eventually becoming a well-known celebrity. In this time, the consumers and creators of content grow together.

Web2 is also known for its centralization of data. Big companies mostly control all the data in the globe. One corporation owns several companies that acquire data from multiple sources. This become one of the problems for the internet2 and caused the revolution that is now taking place on the internet.


Web3 is considered the next step in the evolution of the internet. Web3 is the decentralization of data via blockchain-based applications and the use of tokens for economics. Web3 is the term "Web3" was coined in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood. It is only gaining popularity in recent years due to the abundance of platforms and resources available to build the blockchain-based app.

Developers has mixed feeling about web3. Some thought it was as a trend that isn't going to last for long. I believe in Web3 because of the following reasons:

Community is building in recent years for learning and developing There are new ideas for startups based on web3

Businesses are creating tools to assist in the process of development. There are grants available for web3-related projects

I strongly recommend web developers to play around with the Web3 at least at least once. Web2 and Web2 as well as Web3 will be able to coexist with one another in the near future. We must learn to comprehend web3 better. Blockchain is a unmodifiable ledger system that keeps track of the transaction and it is shared across the node i.e the computer which is part of within the networks. Blockchain Development

The concept of blockchain was popularized by a person (or group of individuals) using the presumed pseudonymous name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Blockchain solved the problem of decentralization of data on Web2. Since all data are shared among the different nodes, there is no one particular person or organization having all the data.

Web3 Applications are founded on the blockchain concept. Bitcoin is an example of blockchain. It functions as a ledger system for payment however, it can also be used to facilitate any kind of data transfer. There is various network based on blockchain such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solona, Avalanche, and other.

Dapp or Decentalized application are applications that make use of smart contracts, which are based on blockchain netwrok for its functioning.


Dapp(Decentralized application) is the same program that is a web application but that only extends smart contracts. It is possible to divide the Dapp into these parts:

This is as it is with web-based development. You must develop your front-end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can utilize any framework such as React, NextJS, or any other framework.

You can use the backend to communicate with the smart contract that is deployed over the network. You can implement this in your frontend too, but segregating the backend from the frontend can help you manage the app easily.

Smart Contract will be deployed on the blockchain network. Our application will communicate with it to facilitate the use of the application. NFT Marketplace is an example of a dApp. That's pretty much the basic design and structure needed for the creation of an dApp.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are computer-generated programs that are non-modifiable once installed, and are automatically executed according to the requirements that it are met.

In simple terms, smart contracts are computer programs written in programming languages. These are non-changeable i.e they aren't able to make any changes once they are deployed. This contract has functions that can be executed and called whenever needed. It can be executed automatically by defining it in a particular manner. Smart Contracts form the backbone of dApp.

Smart contracts are implemented using blockchain-driven networks. They have test networks which are utilized during the development stage to check the operation of the application.

After the smart contract has been deployed and executed, the smart contract will require gas fees. Smart Contracts are executed in the form of a Virtual Machine. Ethereum manages the smart contract with EVM, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The gas charges are paid in terms of cryptocurrencies. Ethereum uses Ether.


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